PPM Templates

Navigation: Admin > PPM Templates.

A PPM Template is required for each PPM Contract. The PPM Template contains information such as the Asset Category, the PPM Schedule and a list of Activities involved.

The smart table displays all PPM Templates that have been created and is used to edit existing, or create new templates.

The following columns are shown in this table:



Template Name

This column shows the PPM Template names

Asset Category

This column shows the defined category for the PPM Template


This column shows the defined subcategory for the PPM Template

Asset Type

This column shows the defined asset type for the PPM Template (if any)

Scheduling Method This column shows the defined Scheduling Method of the PPM Template


This column shows the defined location for the PPM Template (if any)

Preview Period

This column shows the defined preview period (no. of days) for the PPM Template (if any)


This column shows the defined PPM Fix SLA (in months or days) for the PPM Template (if any)

Associated Contracts This column shows the number of contracts associated to the PPM Template. Selecting the number will navigate the user to the PPM Contract Store Viewer smart table filtered by the Template selected on the PPM Template smart table.

Each PPM Contract points to a PPM Template.

How to set up a new PPM Template

To create a new template, select New at the foot of the table.

A template will appear with the following fields for completion:



PPM Template Name

A required free text field which is used to enter the name for the PPM template.


A required free text field which is used to enter a description for the PPM Template.


Required dropdown displaying all active Categories; select the Category for the template


Required dropdown displaying all active Subcategories; select the Subcategory for the template

Department Optional dropdown displaying all active Departments; select the Department for the template
PPM Type Optional dropdown displaying a pre-defined list of PPM Types, e.g., Health & Safety, Regulatory, Preventative, etc.
Status Required dropdown to define the status of the PPM Template; options include Active (default) or Inactive
Limit Assets to PPM

Required dropdown to determine if only assets associated to the Category, Subcategory, or Asset Type will populate when completing a PPM; options include None (default), Category, Subcategory, or Asset Types

Asset Type

Optional chooser field to select an Asset Type. Use the magnifying glass at the end of the field to select an Asset Type.

PPM Schedule

These are options to specify how often or exactly when PPM work order should be created.

  • Forecast

    • Forecast feature allows you to set up PPMs that generate all the needed work orders over the course of a contract.  If a contract is renewed, the next run of the daemon after renewal will spawn a new set of PPMs.  Forecast will generate work orders using the scheduling interval between the creation date of each PPM.
    • CPPMs with dynamic scheduling cannot use Forecasting.
    • PPM suppression currently will not impact forecasted work orders. 
    • Forecasted PPMs can only be release early if they are the next available work order.
  • Monthly
  • Every 2 Months
  • Every 3 Months
  • Every 4 Months
  • Every 5 Months
  • Every 6 Months
    • If the PPM work order creates on the same date of each monthly interval (e.g., the 5th of every third month), select this option. If this option is selected, a new required dropdown will appeared and require selection of the day of the month (e.g., 1-31). The PPM work order daemon will then create the PPM WOs as per the defined date for every month within the PPM contract period.
  • Interval
    • If the PPM work order creates at regular intervals i.e. 90, 60 or 30 days, select this option. If this option is selected, a new mandatory numeric field will be appear and the user will be required to enter the number of days in which the PPM contract should be created. Specify 90, 60 or 30 days within the PPM contract period.
  • Specified Date
    • If the PPM work order creates on specified date(s), select this option. If this option is selected a new field will appear allowing the user to select dates within each calendar month using the calendar chooser. Use the + button to create more fields. The PPM Work Order daemon will then create the PPM Work Orders as per the specified dates within the PPM contract period.
  • Annually
    • If the PPM work order creates on the same date of each year, i.e. 15th of a specified date every year, select this option. If this option is selected, a new required drop-list field will appear and will require selection of the day of the year. i.e. 1-31. The PPM Work Order daemon will then create the PPM Work Orders as per the defined date for the day in the year within the PPM contract period.
  • Weekly Schedule
    • If the PPM work order creates on an inconsistent interval each week (e.g., every Monday, Wednesday, Saturday), select this option. If this option is select a required Applicable Days field with check boxes for each day of the week will appear. The PPM Work Order daemon will then create the PPM WOs as per the defined weekly schedule within the PPM contract period.



    Preview Period

    Optional numerical field which is used to enter the number of days before the scheduled date that the PPM will be in a status of PPM Preview

    SLA Options

    Required dropdown to determine how the system will apply the SLA:

    Calendar Month: The SLA calculations will be based on the day of the month from the date the work order is assignedNumber of Days: The SLA calculations will be based on the number of days from the date the work order is assigned

    Fix SLA (days) or (months)

    Required numerical field for the user to enter the number of days or months (depending on the SLA Option chosen) to determine by when the work is to be completed

    Auto-Advance (Days)

    Optional numerical field used to enter the number of days before the PPM work order will be advanced to the next status

    After all required fields have been filled, select the Save button to save the PPM Template.

PPM Activities

Once a PPM template is created, the user can associate PPM Activities with the template, if required.

Select the previously created PPM Template and locate the PPM Activities Included block in the lower half of the screen.

Use the + button on the left of each boxes to add fields. The dropdown should be used to select each activity.

Because PPM Activities are set up separately to templates, multiple PPM Templates can use the same activities. This reduces the need for data entry and makes for easier data maintenance.

A number of templates will require set-up to service all PPM requirements.

The next step is to set up PPM Contracts, where a PPM Template must be selected.

Configuration of functionality

This functionality is configurable by role, but usually only turned on for the Administrator.